Quantitative Literacy and Reasoning (QLRA)


Thank you for taking the time to complete this short test of quantitative literacy and reasoning!  

One of the goals of a liberal education is to provide a rich and diverse set of learning experiences, which you will need to prosper in a globalized society.  Trinity College and the Pratt School of Engineering challenge you to

  • make meaning of complex information
  • evaluate and discern competing claims
  • collaborate as well as compete
  • engage difference
  • apply knowledge in the service of society

Your coursework and co-curricular learning experiences, especially your quantitative studies (QS) courses, should push you to

  • understand and use data analysis, mathematical modeling, or computer programming to solve problems
  • draw appropriate inferences from the analysis of the problem;
  • articulate and justify the assumptions used in the analysis and the limitations of any conclusions drawn; and,
  • effectively present and express the results of an analysis

In many cases, there is great freedom to select the courses and experiences that align with your intellectual interests and long-term aspirations, but that means the University cannot rely on grades or papers from one or two Math or Statistics classes to evaluate all students' learning in these areas.  Thus, we invite you to complete this short test.  The results from your class will help us understand students' competencies in quantitative literacy and reasoning early in their time at Duke and again at graduation.  Once the results have been processed you will receive a score for this test, and our interpretation of the Duke results overall. 

If you have any questions about the study or the QLRA, you are welcome to The Office of Assessment, at assessment@duke.edu.


Click here to begin the Quantitative Literacy and Reasoning Assessment (QLRA)

The questionnaire will open in a new window so that you will be able to refer to the instructions listed above.


For further reading:
Gaze, E.C., Montgomery, A., Kilic-Bahi, S., Leoni, D., Misener, L., and Taylor, C.  (2014).  Towards Developing a Quantitative Literacy/Reasoning Assessment Instrument.  Numeracy 7 (2).